Neils kitchen


Address: 60 Srenagar, Main Road,Garia

City: Kolkata

Pincode: 700094

State Name: West Bengal

Telephone: 8017761750


Short Info: We are also engaged in providing our customers with various Institutional Catering Services. Our customers can avail from us orders for breakfast, lunch and dinner of any volume as required by corporate houses and offices.

Neils kitchen

Address: 60 Srenagar, Main Road,Garia

City: Kolkata

Pincode: 700094

State Name: West Bengal

Telephone: 8017761750


Keywords: Caterers service providers, Institutional Catering service providers, Caterers requirements, Institutional Catering requirements.

Details: Our experienced and expert chefs and other personnel are highly proficient in handling various corporate parties and events, such as conferences, seminars, theme parties and many others in the most professional and efficient manner.